Friday, 15 January 2010

Planning: Shot list.

Cover shot Mid shot, with a fairly plain background so all the focus is on the model. The model will be fairly unique looking female student, either holding an acoustic musical instrument or blowing bubbles at the camera. An SLR camera will be used to take this shot.

The cover image will be inspired by images such as these:

  • Large contents shot Wide shot, featuring the same female as the one on the cover. There will be an electric guitar featured in this shot, and it will be held in an quirky way to connote rebellion. An SLR camera will be used to take this shot.
  • Small contents shot Medium close up of an males face. This photo will be in black and white to give the page variety and the person featured will be smoking, in order to relate to typical readers. An SLR camera will be used to take this shot.
  • Double page spread, photo one This photo will display an image involving the same people featured on the contents page shot, however it will be in a street scene, as if they are walking towards the camera. It will be wide shot. An SLR camera will be used to take this shot.
  • Double page spread, photo two This photo has been previously taken, and displays a band and a crowd enjoying the live scene. It is wide shot, and a digital camera was used to take this shot.
  • Double page spread, photo three This photo will feature the cover star, in a similar scene to the one presented on the front cover. It will feature a quirky looking girl, close up looking directly at the camera. An SLR camera will be used for this shot.
  • Double page spread, photo four This photo will be medium close up, this time with a female musician. It will be black and white to give the page a bit of variety, and will be in ordinary flat scene. An SLR camera will be used for this shot.
  • Double page spread, photo five This photo is going to be a video still from the website 'Youtube'. It will be of an indie-rock music video, so it will appeal to the target audience. A camera will not be used to take this shot, instead a snapshot of the internet page will be taken and cropped.
  • Double page spread, photo six This will show a group of males in a studio scene, playing instruments to show the image of a band. It will also be wide shot, and an SLR camera will be used for the shot.
Further editing will be done to all shots on adobe photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. Well planned.

    You could ask for opinions from target audience members on this and on your sketches before getting on with your photoshoot and other production activities. You'll need to post a time plan explaining when you'll do each of the tasks.

    Research and planning - this is not complete, since you still have to carry out some planning activities. Make sure you finish everything on the ten point research and planning checklist, including any improvements I've suggested, by Friday 22nd Jan at the latest. I won't be able to give you a final research and planning grade until the whole project is over, and all my marking will have to be agreed by my colleagues, so this is just an indication of your mark for this section of the coursework rather than a final mark: at the moment, you are working at a high Level 4, around 18/20. Look at my comments on your posts for improvements. This is excellent work so far Emma.
